South Australia - Colonial: 1856 - 1900.
The opening of the Tanunda Telegraph Station.

The following is a (very complete) report of the opening ceremonies for the opening of the Tanunda Telegraph Station. It provides an insight into the proceedings and pleasantries of the day.

The statement by the Chairman gives insight into the way Telegraph Offices were identified for construction while the statement by Charles Todd reveals his policy on providing the widest possible coverage of the telegraph service and the use of repeater stations.



On Monday afternoon, June 19. The foundation stone of a Telegraph Station at Tanunda was laid by Mr. W. Duffield, M.P. for Barossa. Mr. Duffield arrived in Tanunda from Gawler about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and, after having rested for about half an hour, he was conducted to the site of the Telegraph Station, where a huge stone was suspended, ready for being lowered at the proper time. A numerous company having assembled round the spot, which was indicated by flags.

Mr. F. Basedow mounted a platform, which had been erected for the occasion and, addressing the company, said they were all aware that they had assembled for the purpose of laying the foundation-stone of the Telegraph Station, an event which he hoped would be the commencement of a new era in the history of the township. (Hear, hear.) The foundation-stone would be laid by their representative, Mr. Walter Duffield. He then called upon the Secretary to read a copy of the parchment placed in an earthenware Jar under the stone. Mr. A. Witt, the Secretary, then stepped forward and read the following document:

SOUTH AUSTRALIA. TOWNSHIP OF TANUNDA. "On the 19th day of June, A.D. 1865, and in the 28th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, the foundation-stone of the Telegraph Station and Post-Office of Tanunda was laid by Walter Duffield. M.P. for Barossa, assisted by his colleague James Martin. Esq., M.P., the Hon. J. H. Barrow, the Hon. Win. Milne, C. Todd, Esq. (Superintendent of Telegraphs), Wm. Hanson, Esq. (Chief Government Engineer and Architect), W. H. Abbott, Esq. (Government Architect), A. Buchan, Esq. (Manager of the South Australian Banking Company, Gawler) and by all influential inhabitants of Tanunda and neighborhood. The Station will have a frontage of 36 feet and is 40 feet deep. The cost of the building is £1,700 and the builder Mr. Isaac Birtwistle, and J. Cherry, Esq., Clerk or the Works. "The present Governor-in-Chief is His Excellency Sir Dominick Daly, Knight; and the present Ministry—Chief Secretary, the Hon. Henry Ayers; Attorney-General, the Hon. R. B. Andrews; Treasurer, the Hon. Thomas Reynolds; Commissioner of Crown Lands and Immigration, the Hon. H. B. T. Strangeways ; Commissioner of Public Works, the Hon. F. S. Dutton. " The present District Council of Tanunda consists of the Chairman (F. Basedow, Esq). Councillors H. Meins, F. W. Habermann, F. G. Hamdorf, and G. Nitschke. Clerk, C. von Bertouch, Esq. "The following newspapers are deposited in the box with this document: The South Australian Register of June 19, 1865; the South Australian Advertiser of June 19, 1865; the Telegraph at June 17, 1865; the Bunyip of June 17, 1865; the Tanunda Deutsche Zeitung of June 16, 1865; the Sud Australiche Zeitung of June 17, 1865; as also the following coins; One sovereign, one half-sovereign, one crown, one half-crown, one florin, one shilling, one sixpence, one four penny piece, one threepenny piece, one penny, one half penny and one farthing; and further, one shilling stamp, one nine penny stamp, one sixpenny stamp, one twopenny stamp, and one penny stamp and also a plan showing the elevation of the building and 24 photographs of the principal buildings of Tanunda.

"A. Witt. Hon. Sec."

Besides the above, we were informed that the jar contained a rather lengthy document, written in the German language, containing a history of Tanunda from the commencement particularly as to its mercantile and social position; also a copy of last season's agricultural returns.

All the gentlemen mentioned in the document were on the platform, with the exception of the Hon. J. H. Barrow, from whom an excuse was read later in the evening.

Mr. Basedow then, addressing Mr. Duffield. said he supposed that he (Mr. Duffield) had brought no tools with him to lay the stone with. He had in his hands tools for that purpose and, on behalf of the inhabitants of Tanunda and himself, he begged to present Mr. Duffield with the trowel. The trowel was a handsome silver one, and bore the following inscription, which Mr. Basedow read: " Presented to Walter Duffield, Esq., by the inhabitants of Tanunda on the occasion of his laying the foundation-stone of the Telegraph Station, June 18, 1865." He had much pleasure in presenting Mr. Duffield with the silver trowel, and he hoped he would lay the stone effectually with it (Applause.)

Mr. W. Duffield, M.P., after receiving the trowel, stepped down from the platform and spread the mortar under the stone. At this stage of the proceedings a photograph of the scene was taken by a photographer in the township. The stone was then lowered to its place and Mr. Duffield, after having seen that it was placed correctly, gave it two or three taps with a mallet and said "I declare this stone well and truly laid." (Hear, hear.)

A song was here sung in German by the Tanunda Liedertafel.

Mr. W. Duffield, M.P.. mounted the platform again and said all those present in Tanunda that day would admire the spirit displayed by the inhabitants on that occasion. He thought the duty of laying the foundation stone might have been entrusted to other hands than his; not that he thought he could not do it, for he had no doubt that he knew as much about laying foundation-stones as any other body in his line of business. (Hear, hear.) He trusted all the advantages they expected from having a Telegraph Station then would be more than realized. He trusted that would be a new era of commercial prosperity in the history of Tanunda. They all knew that it was impossible for a community to become a good commercial place without a Telegraph Station and Post-Office. (Hear, hear.) They had now a great many miles of telegraph, and he hoped it would not be many years before Adelaide and the old country would be connected by telegraph. (Hear, hear.) He would not enter into a long speech on the merits of the telegraph, but he thought very great advantages might be anticipated to that township by its being connected with the metropolis by telegraph for, whenever a rise took place in wheat, it could be flashed along the wires and they would know it directly and would be able to act accordingly. He could say that the telegraph had done good to him, though it was a great expense. He trusted the day was not too distant when the telegraph would supersede the Post-Office. (Hear, hear.) The Superintendent of Telegraphs was present and perhaps he would be able to tell them what chance there was of the expense being lessened. He (Mr. Duffield) had had great experience in the telegraph, both in this and the other colonies, and when he knew that every word he wrote cost him sixpence, he felt inclined to cut the message short; but sometimes, in leaving a word or two out, he would make them read altogether different to what he intended — (laughter) — so would recommend them, when telegraphing, to express their messages fully. With all his experience he could say that the mistakes in sending his messages had been very few indeed and, during the last two or three years, he did not know of any mistake having been made in the transmission of the messages. (Hear, hear.) That spoke well for the manner in which the telegraph department of South Australia was conducted and also spoke well of Mr. Todd as Superintendent of that department. He hoped they would be able to use the telegraph to their good, for they could not become a good commercial place without its aid and he trusted Tanunda might continue to increase and prosper in all its undertakings. (Hear; hear.) He thought he was right in saying that the people of South Australia looked to the German population for a great deal of their produce. He thought the day had come for the people to turn their attention more to manufactures and he hoped to see the Germans of Tanunda amongst the first to introduce them. He congratulated them on having received telegraphic extension, and he had no doubt it would be for their good. Amongst all his friends in the various parts of the District of Barossa, he was never better received than at Tanunda. (Hear, hear.) He thanked them for the honor they had done him that day, and he also thanked them for the handsome tool they had presented to him. (Applause.) Mr. Duffield then called for three cheers for the Queen and the Prince of Wales, which was heartily responded to.

Three cheers were then given, on the motion of Mr. Wm. MILNE, M.P.. for the Post-Office and Telegraph Station, Tanunda. Cheers were also given for the Governor, for Mr. Duffield, Mr. Martin, the Hon. W. Milne, and Mr. Bright M.P.'s.

Mr. Martin, in response to a loud call, thanked them in a few words, and said he hoped and believed that the telegraph would be a great benefit to the people of Tanunda. Cheers were also given for Mr. Todd, for the Company and for the Fatherland, and the ceremony was concluded by the National Anthem being sung by the Tanunda Liedertafol.

Mr. Duffield announced that he had been requested to plant the first pole of the telegraph line, which would be done on his return the next day at Gawler so he hoped that, by the time the Station was finished, they would be enabled to communicate with Adelaide. (Hear, hear.)

THE DINNER to commemorate the event was held in the evening at the Tanunda Hotel. Between 60 and 70 persons sat down to an excellent spread, provided in fine style by Host Fischer. The chair was occupied by Mr. F. Basedow, Chairman of the District Council, who was supported on his right by Mr. W. Duffield, M.P. Hon. Wm. Milne, M.P.. and Mr. W. Hanson, and on his left by Mr. J. Martin. M.P. and Mr. H.E. Bright M.P. The vice-chair was ably filled by Mr. Keynes. Amongst the other persons present were Messrs. Abbott, Assistant Engineer and Architect A. Buchan, Manager of the South Australian Banking Company (Gawler) and W. Jacobs, J.P.

After the inner man had been supplied and the various viands cleared away.

The Chairman said the first thing he had to do was to read a note which he had received from the Hon. J. H. Barrow, who was to have been present but who excused himself on account of the English mail not having arrived; and as it might come in at any minute, he was unable to leave town. He (the Chairman) also stated that the Rev. Dr. Muecke was taken ill, and could not attend. He then proposed "The Health of our Good Lady the Queen, The Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family" and "The Governor," all of which were drunk with that loyalty for which the Germans are noted.

In proposing "The Queen,"the chairman alluded to the trials she had passed through by the loss of her beloved consort, Prince Albert. He knew they all would be glad to hear that she was returning to society again. He said he held in his hand a silver goblet which had been presented to Mr. Christen of that township, but Mr. Christens lips had never touched the goblet, for when he received it he said that his lips should not touch the goblet until the health of our good lady the Queen had been drunk out of it (Hear, hear). He therefore, asked them to drink to the health of "Our good lady, the Queen".

The Chairman then said the next toast he had to propose was not a formal one, but one which he was sure they would all enthusiastically drink. It was "The Health of Mr. W. Duffield." (Applause.) They all knew that he had taken an important part in the proceedings of the day, and he therefore thought it was right they should drink his (Mr. Duffield's) health first (Hear, hear). He was also their representative in Parliament, to whom they looked for assistance. He had laid the stone that day of the Telegraph Station. It was about a year ago since the movement for the telegraph had been made in that district. They met and held meetings, and sent a petition to Parliament asking them to grant them the telegraph extension through that district. No sooner had that movement been set on foot than opposition was started by other districts. One morning early, a number of them went to Gawler Town to see Mr. Duffield and they caught him not quite in bed (laughter) but however, he received them very kindly, and offered to do all in his power to get the telegraph brought that way. He said "You ought to have the telegraph. Tanunda is the place where the next Station ought to be built" and he had done his best and eventually they all knew that he had succeeded in getting what they wanted. (Hear, hear.) They would all agree with him that he (Mr. Duffield) deserved their very best thanks and a bumper. (Hear, bear.) He had spoken of Mr. Duffield's good qualities, but he had also a fault and that was that he did not come to see them often enough. (Hear, hear.) The reason was that he did not like to risk life and limb by travelling over their roads - (laughter) — so that they could not blame him. But Mr. Duffield, being their member and also the Chairman of the Central Road Board, they would express a hope that he would endeavor to get the roads put in such a state of repair from Gawler to there, and a little farther on, so that he might come and see them at least once in a twelve month (Hear, hear). He called upon them all to drink to the "Health of Mr. W. Duffleld." The toast was drank with enthusiasm, and a song in German.

Mr. Duffield, M.P., on rising to respond, was received with applause. He said he had to thank them for the manner in which they had received the toast. The Chairman had spoken of him as if he deserved their thanks, but he thought that his thanks were due to the people of Tanunda rather than their thanks to him. As to the Chairman's remark that they had found him nearly in bed on their arrival at Gawler Town to see him, he thought, if he remembered rightly, that it was about 7 o'clock in the morning when they came and he was in his office to meet them - although he did not know that they were coming. Now, he did not think that 7 o'clock was such a very late hour to be at his office. (Laughter.) He always made it a rule to be early at the office, for he found that before 7 o'clock he could do more than he could all the day after. The Chairman had referred to the opposition which had been made against them, but he was sure that those who knew the place would say that the Telegraph Station would have to be there. His friend on his right the Commissioner of Public Works, would be enabled, through his knowing the country, to tell them his opinions. The Chairman had remarked about his so rarely coming to see them, but he remembered that at an election meeting he had advertised to be held at that place there were not more than three or four persons to meet him, and he was told that they were so satisfied with him that they did not think it worth while to attend an election meeting. (Hear, hear.) Last election they returned him and his colleague without opposition, and that showed that they were satisfied with him. The Chairman had said that he was afraid or his life and limbs; but he (Mr. Duffield) did not understand that there was any personal danger in visiting Tanunda. He would admit that the road from Lyndoch Valley to Tanunda was rather bad and he hoped that during the next two years they would have it repaired. (Hear,- hear.) He hoped so, but he thought there was not much fear of their getting it - (laughter) - for in the new Road Bill it was proposed to add a number of miles more to the schedule of main roads; and he thought that if they did there would be a poor chance of having the roads repaired. His individual opinion was that, if they left the schedule alone, it would be better for he thought there were quite enough roads on the schedule now. He believed Tanunda had been established about 30 years, and he thought it was right that the oldest districts should be served first. (Hear, hear.) If the new Road Bill was passed, they would be disappointed in that respect. He trusted the people of Tanunda would soon have a good macadamized road at a greater distance than from Adelaide. He would not trouble them with any further remarks, but would again thank the Chairman for the manner in which he had proposed his health, and for the very cordial way in which they had drunk It. (Hear, hear.)

Before he sat down, he begged to propose "Success to the Telegraph " coupling with it the name of Mr. Charles Todd, Superintendent of Telegraphs in South Australia; and from what he knew of Mr. Todd, he believed that he was a man well fitted for the position he held.

The toast was drank with applause and " For he's a jolly good fellow".

Mr. C. Todd said it afforded him much pleasure to be present on that occasion and he thanked them for the honor they had done him. He need not dwell upon the advantages of telegraphic communication to them. When he passed through that township for the first time, he was struck with its beauty and he thought it the loveliest spot in the colony. When he first went that way, he went to report to the Hon. the Commissioner of Public Works (Mr Milne) the way which the telegraph should pass. His opinion was that the line should run through as many townships as possible and that a central station should be established, where other townships could be connected with it, so as to give the greatest possible accommodation at the least expense; and he thought, from what he saw of the country, that was the proper way for the line to come, and the proper place for the Station to be built (Hear, hear.) The telegraph is one of the great institutions of the age for a young community. The telegraph is peculiarly adapted to their wants. If there were any rise in the price of wheat or other article that affected their market they could be told of it directly. He arrived in this colony, as most of them would remember, at the latter end of the year 1855. At that time there was a telegraph in Melbourne and Williamstown and through to Geelong; but in South Australia there was no telegraph at all. They would very shortly have a line to Port Augusta and then they should have uninterrupted communication as far as Port Denison, near the 18th degree of latitude. (Hear, hear.) In 1856 the number of messages sent on the South Australian line was 14,738. and the revenue derived from it £366 6s. 7d. Last year the number of messages was 106,874, and the amount realized £1,153 4s 9d. (Hear.) If they reflected that it was not more than 20 years since the telegraph was established, and now they have in South Australia about 11,000 miles of telegraph wire, they would see the rapid progress it had made. The telegraph is a wonderful invention and our thanks are greatly due to those men who shut themselves up in rooms and give all their labors for the good of the world at large, who only too frequently laugh at their labors. With those few remarks, he begged to thank them for the way in which they had received him.

Mr. A. Witt proposed the next toast—"The Parliament of South Australia." He was sorry it had not fallen into better hands, because it was one of the most important toasts of the evening. The Parliament, it was true, made laws for them. Speaking about law, he thought Tanunda had a little to complain of. They had a Court-House, but that was tumbling down — (laughter) — but Tanunda had no J.P.s, although there were several amongst them who could well fill that position. They must drink the health of the Parliament in bumpers. They did not merely want to drink their health, but to thank them for what they had done for them. He must say that they had to thank Mr. Duffield and Mr. Milne for what they had done for them in regard to the telegraph. He did not like to say much of their late member, Mr. Williams. He thought that he had tried his best. Certainly, he could not say much about Mr. Martin as yet, because he had no opportunities of showing himself. The only thing he could do, as yet, was to throw out the Guard Bill and the new Road Bill. Mr. Duffield had said that no more roads ought to be placed upon the schedule and he (Mr. Witt) was of the same opinion too; but, however, Mr. Duffield had promised them his support. He would not say much about the roads, in case he might get stuck in the mud (Laughter). There was one topic he would like to speak upon, and that was the Naturalization Act. They had come out here at their own expense and they had forfeited all claims to their Fatherland, and yet they were not placed upon the same footing as Englishmen. He thought something ought to be done to alter the Naturalization Act. There were a great many Germans in this country and he thought they ought to have more advantages given to them than they had. Some of them could not speak English and others could. He referred to advertising in German papers. He thought if the tenders were advertised in the German papers, it would give the Germans a chance of competing for the work. He also referred to Immigration, and said he thought some other system of immigration ought to be adopted; not that be wished to advocate German immigration, but he hoped the time would soon come when the Parliament would send to places where they could get the most suitable immigrants, be it England, Ireland, Scotland or Germany or anywhere else (Hear, hear.) He had much pleasure, therefore, in proposing "The Parliament," coupling with it the names of Messrs. Milne, Martin, and Bright, M.P.s>

Mr. J. Martin. M.P., was received with applause on rising to respond. He said be hardly knew what to say about the Parliament, unless he said that they had done nothing. Although the Parliament had done little so far as acting was concerned, they had done a great deal so far as talking was concerned. (laughter.) But he believed all the talking had not been in vain, for they must remember that, when a Bill was introduced into the House, it was looked upon from different views. One party thought it would do good and did all they could to uphold the Bill; the other party, that it was no good, or that it was a useless Bill, and did all they could to oppose it. He did not think it would be necessary for him to say much, as Mr. Duffield had spoken so well. He agreed with Mr. Duffield that the oldest districts should be served first as regard the roads. He knew that the district his friend Mr. Milne represented had good roads. All the South had good roads, but Barossa — as old a district as any of them — had shockingly bad roads. He hoped that now they had the telegraph, the trade of Tanunda would increase tenfold. May it be so. He had much pleasure in thanking them on behalf of the Parliament.

Mr. W.M. Milne, M.P., also responded to the toast. He said it was usual for one of the members to respond to the toast of the Parliament He should not detain them long. One of the speakers had kindly alluded to the part he had taken with regard to the telegraph. Having travelled the road, he knew that the best way for the telegraph to come was through Tanunda. He had known that district for many years. He therefore took no credit for doing what he considered was his duty. He would say that, instead of wishing the Government to do everything, he was glad to see they had taken the matter in their own hands and had made such a liberal offer as they had done. He thought the scheme a most excellent one. The proposer had alluded to the fact of their having no J.P. in the township. He believed their wishes and desires in that respect had only to be made known to the Government and they would be fulfilled. He quite agreed with Mr. Witt that there were gentlemen in that township quite capable of filling the position of J.P. Allusion had been made to the roads, and be would say that very little progress had been made in that respect. Mr. Martin had said that there were good roads in his (Mr. Milne's) district but, if they wanted good roads, they must fight for them. (Hear, hear.) He referred to the Real Property Act, and said that they were all aware that when property was bought under the Real Property Act, a charge was made as regarded the Assurance Fund. He was of opinion that, when that charge had once been made, it was never made again, but he had since found that it was the contrary and he thought that was a great hardship and should be altered. (Hear, hear.) Under the Real Property Act, too, a person was obliged to advertise for six months, but under the old system there was none of that. He had always been a friend and a strong supporter of the Real Property Act and he hoped, when it next was under discussion by the House, those things he had mentioned would be altered. (Applause.) He begged to thank them on behalf of the Parliament.

Mr. H. E Bright, M.P. was loudly called for and, in compliance with the call, he said he was sorry it came to his lot to speak last. He was, however, proud to have to speak that evening on behalf of the Parliament. They all knew that he was only a young member of the Parliament and, although he was there to represent the District of Stanley, he believed it was his duty to do right to all parties. (Hear, hear). A great deal had been said about roads, but he was in the unfortunate position of representing a district that had no roads at all. (Laughter), Allow him to thank them sincerely for the manner in which they had drank the toast and he could assure them that, although he represented Stanley, he would not do anything against the good of the colony. (Hear, hear.)

Mr. Duffield said he thought there was a good road from Kapunda to Clare. He thought if the made roads were measured they would be found more in Stanley than in Barossa.

Mr. Bright said he could not let such a remark go unchallenged. From Gawler West to Forrester's there was not a mile of good road.

Mr. Duffield still thought there was more goods in Stanley than in Barossa. (More shame for the members for Barossa. then.").

Mr. W. Milne said he had much pleasure in proposing the next toast - "The Township and Trade of Tanunda". He had known Tanunda for a long time. When he first saw it there was only one store and a public-house in the place but now it was going ahead nicely. No doubt when they had good roads - for he had no doubt they would have them after this (laughter) - the place would go ahead still more. One reason why he had such a warm interest in Tanunda was because he had commercial interests in Tanunda. He must say that he knew of no other district in which so much energy was shown as in the District of Barossa. He considered the proceedings of the day were well carried out, and showed that there was public spirit in the place and he must say that they deserved good roads after that (Laughter, and hear, hear.) If they had good roads, what with their Bank, Telegraph Station and Post-Office, he believed they would go on and prosper.

The toast was drunk with cheers.

Mr. Fiedler responded to the toast, and said they all felt more than he could express for the kind way in which the toast had been proposed. To see so many persons present flattered them. It was sometime before they could successfully lay their claims before the Government but they had done so at last . The money that had been expended on the large buildings for the railway might have been better expended on roads. He then gave a short historical sketch of the rise of Tanunda from the year 1842, when the first German settler arrived in the place, to the year 1865, on the 19th June, when they all knew what had happened. Twenty three years had passed away since the township had been established, and he thought they had progressed pretty well. After a few further remarks, he concluded by expressing his pleasure at seeing so many influential persons present.

Mr. J. Martin, MP., proposed "The Agricultural Interest of South Australia," remarking that that was the greatest interest in that district — in fact in South Australia. If they looked at all their wheat they would see that the agricultural interest was the greatest. He had much pleasure therefore, in proposing the toast.

Mr. Craig responded. He did not think he need say much, but thank them for the manner in which they had drank the toast. He recommended that Parliament might give a helping hand to the agricultural interest by giving them more encouragement and allowing them a chance of having land cheap.

The Vice-Chairman proposed "The Pastoral, Mining, and Commercial Interests". He said he thought that the interests he had to propose were of the most vital importance to the colony. The pastoral interest was of great importance and he thought encouragement should be given to those who went out and took up the land and made it valuable. The pastoral lessees did not get all profit and they had had fair profit from the lessees of the Crown, but at the same time grant them leases for a longer time. He then referred to the mining interest and the abundance of copper that had been found at Wallaroo and the Burra and other places. Wool and copper were two of the principal exports of the colony. Commercial interest was the last in his toast but it was not the least of the interests of the colony. for what would they do with their copper and their wool if it were not for commerce. It is her commerce that has made England what she now is. He would not like these interests to clash with each other, but he hoped they would, like a bundle of sticks, unite with each other.

Mr. Buchan briefly responded to the last toast.

Mr. H. E. Bright, M.P.. said he felt sure they would all cordially respond to and heartily drink the toast he had to propose " The Health of Mr. W. Hanson (Engineer and Architect), and the Assistant Engineers connected with him" (Hear, hear). He called for bumpers to drink the toast he had proposed. The toast was drunk with cheers.

Mr. W. Hanson briefly responded. He said be should be very glad to listen to anything they had to say to him so far as he was concerned, but they must remember that it did not rest with him to do anything. He heartily thanked them for the way they had received the toast.

Mr. Abbott proposed "The Contractor." He had known Mr. Birtwistle for some time and had always known him to give satisfaction. He would make money by a job where another man would lose, and he asked them to drink his health.

Drunk with applause and "For he's a jolly good fellow".

Mr. Birtwistle responded in a few words, and said it had always been his pride to perform the work entrusted to him with satisfaction.

Mr. W. Jacobs, J. P., in a short speech, proposed "The Visitors." to which Mr. McIntyre briefly responded. and said they all rejoiced to see the foundation-stone of the Telegraph Station laid; and, as far as he knew, there was no rivalry between Lyndoch Valley and Tanunda. He hoped it would not be long before they had a Station in Lyndoch.

Mr. Todd remarked that there would be a branch Station at Lyndoch, Nuriootpa, and possibly also at Truro. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Warburton. Clerk of the Angaston District Council, in an appropriate speech, proposed " Lady Daly and the Ladies of South Australia."

"Here's a health to all good lasses".

Mr. A. Craig, Jun., responded. The remaining toasts were "The Press," "Chairman," " Vice-chairman," " Host and Hostess." and " Mr. Cherry. Overseer of Works," all of which were duly honored and severally acknowledged, and the proceedings, which were diversified with some songs excellently sung by the Tanunda Lieaertafel, and some music on the piano by Mr. Linley were brought to a close.

The South Australian Advertiser.
21 June 1865.